Smyrna Little League - Minor 1 - Red Sox

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Red Sox at Orioles

Tough game today. Dillon pitched great and held us to 3 runs. Parker did well, holding the Orioles to 6 runs, keeping us in reach. Top of the 5th, we scored 4 runs, putting us on top by 1, but there was very little time. Finally, after 1 hour and 45 minutes of baseball, the game was called and reverted to the score after 4 innings, 6-3, Orioles over Red Sox. Tough game, but the boys sure showed they have what it takes. See the game stats at

Friday, December 30, 2011

Yea Charter

Well, I finally dropped Clear for Internet service as it was severely lagging behind in speed from other providers, specifically, Charter. Check this out:


Not too shabby! Most importantly, Dina is happy with the new service. No more clicking links twice to get to them.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I have allowed by blog to rot for quite some time. Just finished Christmas 2011 with the Roseberry's, Ed and the Hubbard's. Much food was eaten and joy was had. Here is to a great end to a good year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More baseball

Adam and Brooks had another game today.  They were really ready, and made some great plays in the outfield.  Adam hit the ball twice, but got thrown out both times, the other team was really doing a good job at fielding.  Brooks was thrown out once, but made it safely the other time he hit and made it to 2nd on the missed catch at first base.  He went on to score one of our 3 runs when Dillan hit after him.  This and a great outfield play holding a long ball hit to a double earned Brooks a game ball.  Great job Brooks!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Little League

They boys are playing Smyrna Little League in the Minor 2 division.  Their team name is the Volcanoes.  We had our 3rd game tonight against the Mudcats.  It was quite a game.  The Mudcats took the lead early in the first with 3 runs, we scored 1 in the bottom of the first.  Later in the game the Mudcats took a 4 to 1 lead and then in the bottom of the fifth, the Volcanoes scored 4 runs, taking a 5 to 4 lead.  In the top of the 6th (the last inning), the Mudcats scored 4 taking an 8 to 5 lead.  Finally, the Volcanos scored 2 runs in the bottom of the 6th and had a man on 3rd base when the final batter hit a liner down the first base line that the first base man just made a fantastic play on and was able to tag first.  Final, Mudcats over Volcanos – 8 to 7.  This was some exciting baseball!