Smyrna Little League - Minor 1 - Red Sox

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dandy Lion Christmas

Adam, Brooks and the Dandy Lions had their Christmas program today in the church sanctuary.  All of the kids did a great job!  I have the whole program on video and hopefully over the holidays I will be able to put this video on the web, assuming I can figure it out.  The best song was "We Fish You a Harry Christmas!"  On the left are Brooks, Bonnie and Adam.  The teachers seem to always put the boys near each other with one other student in between.  Can't say that I blame them!  We are headed to the Nutcracker on Saturday, hope to have some pictures from that outing then.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Susan's First Ballet Recital

DSC_0075Well, she did it!  Susan completed her first ballet recital.  There was no crying, no leaving stage.  She did a great job as did all of the girls.  She seemed to be a little awestruck at first, but that subsided as the pageant went on and she got back into doing the dance steps.  I captured the entire show on video and am going to attempt to post it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Adam and Brooks Christmas Pageant

Adam and Brooks sang in the Sunshine Singers at the Wednesday Night Live dinner at church Wednesday.  They all did an awesome job.  Adam and Brooks both remembered their lines perfectly and spoke them loud and clear.  Friday is Susan's ballet/tap recital.  Can't wait.